Yeah...ignore the date listed on this post: it's really Sept. 25th!

She talks (oh, okay, babbles) to herself & others...including her stuffed animals. Her pediatrician was blown away by her today. She is also up to 17 lbs! That's 10 lbs since her birth! And she's grown 2 1/2 inches since last month. Our little girl is growning up!

She also has her first older man: Aidan is already a year old! They have lots of fun together!

Yesterday she became the stair master! Look out, mama! She's truly mobile now!

In other news...Demetri is also still in the womb...which is great news since he gave us a scare by trying come out at 29 weeks gestation! His mama is slowly coming off of bedrest & hasn't had any further contractions! All great news! He is very playful already: if you poke or pat his mama's tummy, he pokes back. You can play games with him across D's tummy. Gramma had the pleassure of spending 2 weeks in SoCal with J&D helping while D was on complete bedrest. She had a lot of fun getting to know Demetri before he's even been born! We are looking forward for his arrival in mid-November.

This was in late July--imagine how big D is now!!!!
As for me...I love living in WA more each day! I am feeling healthier...and I love love love the weather! Fall has fallen here & I love it!!!!!