It was so cute to see Teagan being the "big" cousin versus the "little" cousin she usually is. She hadn't seen Dante since he really began crawling. I think it freaked her out a bit: he would happily charge towards her and she would jump into the lap or climb up the leg of the nearest adult. Yet at the same time, she wanted to play with him~she just wasn't sure how to go about it exactly.
Teagan gave Dante her former little scooter without pedals. To our surprise, Dante's feet touched the ground! And he seemed to know exactly what to do with it: he crawled right up to it and tried to get on! He loved it!

My brother made a kick-ass linner (that would be a lunch & dinner combo)! An egg strata with french bread, eggs, brie (!!!) and sausage (similar to this or this~but his own twist and therefore much better!). It rocked! And roasted vegetables (yum!)...and a salad...and then to top it off, an amazing homemade chocolate cake with a touch of lime! We were so spoilled!
(In case you didn't know: basically everyone one in this little gathering~except the kids~happens to be creative and talented chefs, in my humble opion.)
Then we just hung out and relaxed. Mike and James did mysterious things in the garage (we got to sample their endevours later~let's just say it was a spiriting occaision!)
Meanwhile Danielle whipped out a couple pairs of earrings and a necklace for my mom and sis and me...all suited to our personalities! In like 30 minutes flat~she's amazing!
And Dani played pinano (piano) with Teagan.
Dante crawled around afer Teagan and neither of them napped cuz they were too happy and excited...
And finally, after months of trying to get them to do this, Teag spontaneously asked to "hold" Baby Dante, so she sat on my lap and he sat on her lap and:
These aunties and gramma had a grand time...and auntie Dani got a special mommy-to-a-baby treat: a nice long uninterrupted nap!
Thank you DJD for a wondeful day!!! We had such a relaxing and fun time~it's always a little bit like going on vacation when we go out to Whidbey.
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