So, after all the hype of the media, has your Christmas come & gone? Ours hasn't. Not only is our "gift" lasting a whole week, but we also have the peace that comes from our entire family being in relationship with Jesus & knowing that one day we will be reunited with him in heaven.
Yesterday morning we celebrated Teag's first Christmas with her. She wasn't in to the presents at all~we grown-ups took turns opening them...although these pictures make it look as though only her mama opened presents with her, we really did take turns!

Yesterday morning we celebrated Teag's first Christmas with her. She wasn't in to the presents at all~we grown-ups took turns opening them...although these pictures make it look as though only her mama opened presents with her, we really did take turns!
While she was not into opening presents, she was very into what came out of the gift wrapping~except for the shoes we got her...we have learned that Teag does not like shoes!!!
What a sad face!!!!!!
She sat down & cried til we took those horrible-but adorable-shoes off her feet!
....the drooly slimey kind of water!
But the toys~those she liked! Noah & his animal friends were baptized in water very quickly...
....the drooly slimey kind of water!
While it's still a bit big for her, my favorite gift that she received was a rocking horse! It even makes sounds like a galloping, whinneying horse! I think Teag liked it...she definitely liked that this animal didn't run from her grabbing like our cats do!

We are so blessed to have them here with us but it is bittersweet as we wish so much that Demetri was here with us, too. But we hold on to the hope that we will be reunited with him in heaven one day...until then we hold on to one another & value each other and life in a new way...
Ride 'em Cowgirl!
The best gift came later in the afternoon: my brother & sister-in-law arrived to spend the week with us! Their original Christmas plans~as with most of their life~changed 6 weeks ago, and we were able to have them come up to be with us.
Later in the evening some of the Huffman crew stopped by for a little was fun & noisy & yummy (Grandma Sue brought homemade fudge!)
Overall, we had a beautiful & blessed Christmas day & evening...and then we all collapsed into bed for some much needed sleep!