Tuesday, August 9

Wild West

We visited the Wild Wild West again today...when this cowboy and (formal) cowgirl weren't wrangling horses, they were wrestling against one another. These 2 are tough! They were throwing each other all over the living room~I'd be dying of the pain!

 These 2 were more sedate: sitting and watching all the action!

Things were a bit more sedate yesteday...unless you counted the wild hairstyles Ava gave Gramma. (Av was going for the redneck  look, I believe.)

Crazy Ava, hair-stylist extrodinaire, even had her own receptionist:

We introduced Teagan to the Disney Beauty and the Beast...she liked it but she really tuned in to sections I thought she'd ignore versus the scenes I thought she'd really like (eg the song Be Our Guest). The little princesses came out to play~and Teagan realized that the teapot and cup was actually Mrs Potts and Chip and was amazed. So cute.

Again, I am always impressed with Ava's patience and creativity with her younger cousins. I love her even more for it!!!

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