Sunday, April 25

Thanks, ALOT

I am now in love with a new blog!!!!!!!!

Now I can read this blog & laugh rather than sending email after email to the news editors of a highly read online news organization informing them of their multitude of over-looked grammatical & spelling errors. Because, sadly, I don't believe they even know what a dangling modifier is, let alone an "alot" or "alright." How could they when they used the non-word "funner" in a bloody headline!!!!

Perhaps I could have this author draw me a dangling modifier~or better yet: provide me with a stuffed animal of one that I could squeeze tightly when I stumble across one while reading. I would also like to get a stuffed ALOT!
Anyway, I am now a fan (if you haven't caught on yet) of the blog: Hyperbole And a Half

Please visit this blog: it'll have you laughing! You can start with her commentation on the usage of alot:

A big thank you to Andi for introducing me to this! Really: thanks alot! 
This is an ALOT
Created, Drawn & Rights Owned by the Author of Hyperbole & A Half

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