Yesterday was a very big day in our little TeaRose's life: she spent her 1st night away from Mama & Daddy and spent the night with Gramma & Auntie M. (Tiff & Mike went to see Flight of the Conchords in Seattle with friends & entrusted their 1st born to us! Talk about brave!)
Our little girl was so good~never cried and went to sleep at 10:30 last night & didn't wake up til 8:30 this morning!!! Talk about an angel!!! And only 11 weeks old. (She's pretty much slept through the night since day one so my sis is pretty darn spoiled!)
Today Gramma, Tiff, TeaRose, & Auntie M went to the mall. While Gramma had her hair done, The 2 Ts & I had coffee & sat outside enjoying the sun. You can see how thrilled Tea was:
After Gramma was done at the hair salon, we went out for lunch...and a mid-afternoon drink. Well not me, due to my meds, I am an automatic designated driver :-( Oh well, such is life.
I think Tea was shocked over the drinks part! But aside from that, she enjoyed lunch out with the girls.
Today was such fun! I was grateful to be feeling well enough to go out today since I've been housebound for the past couple weeks. I am, once again, overwhelmed by the blessing that God has given me in my lil TeaRose & am so grateful that I get to live so close to her. I can't imagine not being near to her. Thank you, Lord!
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